How to Care for your leather jacket

How to Care for your leather jacket

How to Care for your leather jacket – Maintenance, storage & polishing

Leather jackets would never go out of style and are a perfect companion for those chilly winter nights. Leather requires specific upkeep to retain its pristine appearance. We all know that leather jackets are some of the most expensive ones. We want to wear them for years to come as leather gets a certain patina and luster over time, that adds charm to your winter clothing. Without proper care, you could cause harm to the jacket which could be anything from decoloration to wrinkles, mold buildup, or permanent stains. Well, we here have some expert tips from certified leather craftsmen at De Leather Craft – the leading leather repair and cleaning service provider in the country.

Knowing how to store a leather Jacket – We intend to use leather jackets only during winter, and for the remaining part of the year they will rest in your wardrobe. Make sure the storage is cool, dry and breathable for leather. Never fold your jacket, especially for a longer duration as it can lead to wrinkles on your bold leather jacket which are hard to undo. Your jacket should be hung on a padded hanger, like those wooden ones which we see at the store. This prevents leather from stretching and maintains its shape.

Protecting it against water – Water is one of the biggest enemies of leather, we all know it. By water, we didn’t necessarily mean washing your jacket in running water, but can also be the winter morning due, humidity or moisture of the air. It is best to not wear your jacket on these tough days to save it from damage. If you are still wearing your leather jacket, it is advisable to get a protective layer by getting it water-treated.

Cleaning it in time – Cleaning your jacket at regular intervals is a good practice, it ensures your jacket looks amazing. Some stains on leather need to be removed as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming permanent. Spot cleaning is the perfect solution to save your jacket, but make sure you read the care instructions thoroughly so as to not damage the jacket. This detailed guide would be helpful if you are looking for the right ways to clean your leather jacket at home.

Condition your jacket – Leather has natural oils that fade away with time and usage, therefore it is good to condition your jacket and replenish the lost oils. Wondering why is there oil on my jacket. The leather hide is made of animal skins and has natural oils like our skin that prevent it from hardening. Conditioning your leather would ensure it is flexible and comfortable even after years of usage. It is advisable to use good quality condition, that is specifically made to work on your jacket leather type.

Leather Jacket Polishing – Want to get your jacket shining once again, polish your leather jacket and bring it back to life. Please make sure you use the right polish, do not go with the regular shoe polish on your jacket as it can harm your leather jacket. It is best to get the polish from the brand you bought the jacket from or from your trusted leather store.

Here are the steps to polish your loved leather jacket –

a.  Clean Jacket – Make sure your jacket is cleaned, before we begin the process of polishing.

b.  Applying the Polish – Apply the polish using a clean cloth or a delicate brush, and spread it evenly across the surface of the jacket. Let it dry for some time.

c.   Buffing – Buffing brings out that shine you were looking for, while working on leather jackets you have to be gentle and patient, unlike your shoes. Pay some time to those scratches, seams, and discolored areas to make them blend in perfectly.

d.  Clean – Rub a clean cloth over the leather to remove the excess polish deposits.

The above-mentioned ways would enhance the life of your leather jacket and make sure it has the same appeal even after years. We know you spent a fortune on that leather jacket and watching it deteriorate can be heartbreaking. De Leather Craft offers the best-in-class leather jacket repair and cleaning service offering quality care for your premium winter wear. Our leather craftsmen specialize in premium leather care and have over four decades of experience in treating high-end leather goods.

Leather jacket services we offer –

  • Leather jacket restoration
  • Leather jacket dry cleaning
  • Jacket zipper repair
  • Leather jacket colouring

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